St Scholastica

St Scholastica

Scholastica (born in Italy c. 480 – 10 February 542) is a saint of the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches.

The most commonly told story about her is that she would, once a year, go and visit her brother at a place near his abbey, and they would spend the day worshiping together and discussing sacred texts and issues.

One day they had supper and continued their conversation. When Benedict indicated it was time for him to leave, perhaps sensing the time of her death was drawing near, Scholastica asked him to stay with her for the evening so they could continue their discussions. Her brother Benedict refused, insisting that he needed to return to his cell. It is said that Scholastica then closed her hands in prayer, and after a moment, a wild storm began raging outside of the guest house in which they were housed. Benedict asked, “What have you done?”, to which she replied, “I asked you and you would not listen; so I asked my God and he did listen. So now go off, if you can, leave me and return to your monastery.” Benedict was unable to return to his monastery, and they spent the night in discussion.

According to legend, three days later, from his cell, he saw his sister’s soul leaving the earth and ascending to heaven in the form of a shining white dove. Benedict had her body brought to his monastery, where he arranged for it to be laid in the tomb which he had prepared for himself.

Scholastica is the foundress of the women’s branch of Benedictine Monasticism. Scholastica is the patron saint of nuns, and convulsive children, and is invoked against storms and rain.

St Scholastica - Crop  11

Always at least one cat and a dog underfoot supervising my work.  Most of the time it is both cats and the Jack Russell in attendance!

St Scholastica B


Once I had selected the icon I was going to paint I began to prepare the foundation for the icon. Firstly I glued a small frame around the board and then primed the board and frame with numerous layers of gesso and sanded it down before painting on a base coat of Windsor & Newton red oxide where I would be placing the gold leaf.

St Scholastica A

Transferred drawing of St Scholastica, with red oxide base coat.

St Scholastica - Crop 5

Halo made with variegated leaf metal leaf.  This is composite leaf that has been treated with chemicals that react with the metal thus creating a wide range of colours and hues.

The above mosaic illustrates the step by step process of the progress of the icon as it develops.



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